Tagesausflug Sächsische Schweiz im Mai 2013 für ca. 21 Personen in englischer Sprache

Besichtigung der Festung Königstein mit Rundgang, geführter Rundgang auf der Bastei,
geführter Rundgang durch den Pillnitzer Schlossgarten



„My group had a wonderful time in Dresden and Leipzig and this is a short thank you note to say how much we enjoyed our day-trip to Saxon Switzerland on Sunday May 5. We had lots of beautiful sunshine, great scenery, a super lunch at the Berghotel Bastei. What more could we ask for? Please convey our good wishes to Anett, our guide, who made the trip so interesting for us with her fascinating insights and sense of humour throughout. Full marks!!!”

Harry Gibson
Harrogate Music Group UK
